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Tights, Tights, Tights

Argh!! I snagged my ballet tights! Shoot! - We've all been there!

Have you thought about what you could do with your tights rather than just throwing them in the nearest bin on the way out of class?

The easiest and simplest thing to do is to recycle. If it's a small hole or above the knee why not wear them as regular tights with a dress? Or double them up! Wearing two pairs will not only keep you extra toasty but holes or runs are rarely in the same place meaning you won't see through to skin anyhow.

If your tights are really past looking like tights have you ever thought of cutting them up into squares? These have a million different uses. They make great cloths for removing make up or nail varnish and also get those annoying white deodorant marks off of your black leotards or even shinning your tap shoes ready for your next performance.

If you’re a pointe shoe wearer why not cut a pair at the mid-calf and fill with some absorbent, newspaper is great, you can even add something sweet smelling like lavender, tie up to keep it all in place and pop in your pointe shoes to really dry them out and help them last longer.

No Matter what I do my tights always rip or ladder!

Did you know hot tumble dryers can ruin tight threads? Always leave them to air dry to keep them in tip top shape. Also, it may sound silly but wearing the correct size will really help. If they are too big and you constantly pull them up there is more chance of catching a nail and ripping or if they are too small, well they will be stretched to capacity and more likely to break.

Just for peace of mind, especially before a show, competition or exam we would recommend having a spare pair- or even two- tucked into your dance bag.

We sell a variety of Tights here at Pink Pointes- come see for yourself!


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